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The Lisk and Lisk Sepolia bridge allows you to bridge Real or Testnet ETH from Ethereum to Lisk and vice versa.

Depositing funds

How to deposit funds from Ethereum to Lisk:

  1. Visit the Lisk Bridge and make sure you are on the Deposit tab.
  2. Connect your wallet by clicking Connect Wallet.
  3. Switch your network to Ethereum in your wallet.
  4. Choose the amount of ETH you'd like to deposit.
  5. Press Bridge funds and wait for the transaction to go through.

Withdrawing funds


After initiating your withdrawal, a 7-day challenge period needs to be observed as a security measure. Once the challenge period has passed, the withdrawal can be completed with a final transaction.

How to withdraw funds from Lisk to Ethereum:

  1. Visit the Lisk Bridge and switch to the Withdraw tab.
  2. Connect your wallet by clicking Connect Wallet.
  3. Switch your network to Lisk in your wallet.
  4. Choose the amount of ETH you'd like to withdraw.
  5. Press Bridge funds and wait for the transaction to go through.
  6. Wait until the challenge period passes to claim the funds and complete the withdrawal.

Check the status of your mainnet withdrawals in your Withdrawals history.