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Deploying an ERC-20 Token to Lisk

This tutorial is meant for developers with an existing Standard ERC-20 token or a Custom ERC-20 token on Ethereum who want to deploy their respective token on Lisk. In this guide, you'll learn how to deploy a Standard or a Custom ERC-20 token from Ethereum to Lisk.

About OptimismMintableERC20s

The Standard Bridge system requires that L2 representations of L1 tokens implement the IOptimismMintableERC20 interface. This interface is a superset of the standard ERC-20 interface and includes functions that allow the bridge to properly verify deposits/withdrawals and mint/burn tokens as needed. Your L2 token contract must implement this interface in order to be bridged using the Standard Bridge system.

Deploying a Standard ERC-20 token

To deploy a Standard ERC-20 Token to Lisk or Lisk Sepolia network, follow the steps mentioned in the Deploying Your Standard ERC-20 Token to Lisk guide.

The guide explains how to use the OptimismMintableERC20Factory to deploy a standardized ERC-20 token on Lisk or Lisk Sepolia network. Tokens created by this factory contract implement the IOptimismMintableERC20 interface, including basic logic for deposits, transfers, and withdrawals.

Deploying a Custom ERC-20 token

A custom token allows you to do things like trigger extra logic whenever a token is deposited. To deploy a custom ERC-20 token to Lisk or Lisk Sepolia network, follow the steps mentioned in the Deploying your Custom ERC-20 token to Lisk guide.

The guide explains how to implement all the functions defined by the IOptimismMintableERC20 interface such as the logic for the mint, burn, remoteToken, and bridge functions of the IOptimismMintableERC20 interface.